Brian Clark Howard
The Hill (Washington, DC) | Editor, Deputy Ed., Assignments Ed. | Sept. 2019—Present
The largest political and policy website in the U.S., with frequent print editions.
- Launched The Hill’s first vertical, Changing America, a special section on social and environmental issues facing a dynamic country.
- Edit and produce daily content on a wide range of topics, including environment, science, health, arts and culture, politics, policy and general news.
- Managed staff of 8 writers and editors, curate newsletters, run social media accounts.
- Oversee The Hill’s main website on frequent shifts.
National Geographic (Washington, DC) | Senior Editor, Sr. Writer, Producer | Sept. 2011—Sept. 2019
Award-winning magazine and website that averages about 30 million monthly unique visitors.
- Reported, wrote, edited and produced multimedia content on a broad range of topics, including science, environment, energy, culture, travel and news.
- Managed staff up to 11 writers and videographers—including the “Speed Team”—ran social media accounts, developed strategy, led content partnerships, liaised with nonprofit Society. (New York, NY) | Online Journalist | Mar. 2011—Aug. 2011
U.S. web bureau of The Daily Mail, a major British daily newspaper, then ranked as world’s second biggest news website.
- Reported, wrote and posted daily news stories in fast-paced environment.
- Covered business, politics, science, health, environment, culture, entertainment and news.
The Daily Green (Hearst) (New York, NY) | Web Editor | June 2007—Feb. 2011
Award-winning web magazine on eco-friendly lifestyles, averaged 1 million monthly unique visitors.
- Wrote, edited and produced some of Hearst’s most successful online content, including features, blogs, slideshows, infographics, video and other creative methods of storytelling.
- Led brand on social media and co-published with Yahoo!, MSN, Huffington Post and AOL.
- Managed, edited and copyedited freelancers and interns.
E/The Environmental Magazine (Norwalk, CT) | Managing Editor | Ja. 2001— Aug. 2006
America’s largest independent environmental magazine (more than 200,000 readers).
- Created multimedia content—including 8,000-word cover stories, blogs, photos and audio.
- Edited each bimonthly issue; oversaw production schedule and managed
- Wrote and managed grants; represented the magazine at conferences and on TV and radio.
Book Author
- Honed reporting skills co-writing 5 books on green energy and living. Co-wrote a humor book.
- Co-wrote Rock Your Ugly Christmas Sweater (Running Press 2012), Build Your Own Small Wind Power System (McGraw-Hill 2012), Green Lighting (McGraw 2011), Geothermal HVAC (McGraw 2011), The Whole Green Catalog (Rodale 2009), Green Living (Plume 2005).
Freelance Writer, Editor and Social Media | 2001—2019
- Contributed to many publications, including The Washington Post, Popular Science, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Men’s Health, Popular Mechanics, Pacific Standard, Huffington Post, Home Power Magazine. Edited the book Hoop Dreams Fulfilled by Tyson Hartnett.
- Work syndicated by the San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Boulder Daily Camera, Houston Chronicle, many more.
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (New York, NY) | M.S. Journalism
- New Media concentration; Class honors: “Critical Issues in Journalism,” “Online News”
- Masters thesis in Digital Media on Native Americans in New York City (Honors).
Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) | B.S. Geology + B.A. Biology
- Minors: Art History, Germanic Studies, Western European Studies.
- Honors Division and Chancellor’s Scholarships, Golden Key National Honor Society and Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
- Researched avian ecology and Ordovician fossils in southern Indiana.
National Geographic Staff Geography Bee |Champion (2014) |7th Place (2013)
- Won first place in a live “spelling bee”-style geography competition hosted by Soledad O’Brien (2014) and Alex Trebek (2013).
Webby Nomination for Energy Realities Branded Site |(2013)
- Lead editor and writer on branded website for client Statoil, with media partners.
Kevin Carmody Award for Outstanding In-Depth Reporting, Large Market | Honorable Mention | Society of Environmental Journalists (2013)
- Contributed reporting and led editing on the National Geographic online feature package “Water Grabbers: A Global Rush on Freshwater.”
Reuters-IUCN (World Conservation Union) Environmental Media Awards |Finalist (2003)
- Wrote E Magazine cover story “Message in a Bottle” on bottled water and the environment, which was widely reprinted and resulted in many media appearances.
Media Appearances
- Appeared on numerous media, including NPR, ABC News, AFP, Global National.
- Interviewed by many print and web outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Arizona Republic, McClatchy, Smart Money, Reader’s Digest, MNN.
Eagle Scout | Boy Scouts of America
Highly proficient in writing, editing and producing outstanding editorial content across platforms, as well as developing content strategy. Experienced leader of teams and projects; completed management training. Highly effective in SEO and social media and website production. Proficient in web-analytics programs and basic skills in video shooting and editing and digital photography. Completed professional media training.
Society of Environmental Journalists, National Association of Science Writers, DC Science Writers Association
Dear Mr. Howard,
Sorry to bother you.
I saw you had covered the possibility of a dry Niagara Falls for National Geographic, and wanted to pass along this along in case it would be helpful in your future reporting:
Marcus Bursik, our chair of geology, has some interesting things to say about the research opportunities that a dry Niagara Falls could pose for geologists. He has studied Niagara Falls before, and says that shutting part of them off would create a rare opportunity for geologists to study how waterfalls erode land and carve canyons.
As Marcus explains, “You could make a very detailed map of what the topography of the rock face looks like beneath the falls using drones equipped with laser-mapping technology. You could then compare it to what the rock face looked like in 1969, the last time this part of the falls was dry.”
I’d be more than happy to assist if you’d ever like to get in touch w/ him.
Thanks for considering this!
Charlotte Hsu
716.645.4655 (o)
510.388.1831 (c)
@UBScience (t)
BCH, I read your July 2016 article about 50M trees planted in India in one day. I am alarmed by the one photo: I believe they are planting eucalyptus trees (which I also saw happening in Africa when I visited there recently). I live in San Francisco, where these trees are invasive and creating a monoculture. I’m deeply concerned that they’re replacing one problem with another. Can you raise awareness on this, and also alert the organizers of these events?